UGC NET syllabus for Jan 2017 exam conducting by CBSE Latest Scheme and Syllabus of Examination Check University Grants Commission (UCG) National Eligibility Test (NET) JRF Syllabus/Pattern and Previous year question papers
UGC NET Syllabus 2017
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is going to conduct first time UGC-NET for Junior Research Fellowship and Eligibility of Assistant Professor in the month of January, 2017. Candidates who applied must be know that National Eligibility Test (NET) is not a simple or easy exam to chase, it requires high proficiency and preparation. There is great need of knowledge about the scheme/pattern of examination as consider ‘How to Prepare’ and syllabus as consider as ‘What to Prepare’. So, here we are providing recommended latest exam pattern and syllabus of UGC-NET.
Exam Pattern : Exam Pattern of UGC NET is discussed hereunder :-
► The Test will consist of three papers. All the three papers will consist of only objective type questions.
► Paper-I & Paper-II will consist of questions based on the subject selected by the candidate.
Session | Paper | Marks | No. of Questions | Duration |
First | I | 100 | 60 out of which 50 questions to be attempted | 01:15 hours |
First | II | 100 | 50 questions all are compulsory | 01:15 hours |
Second | III | 150 | 75 questions all are compulsory | 02:30 hours |
Exam Syllabus : Exam Syllabus of UGC-NET is as follows :-
I. Teaching Aptitude ►Teaching : Nature, objectives, characteristics and basic requirements
► Learner’s characteristics;
► Factors affecting teaching;
► Methods of teaching;
► Teaching aids;
► Evaluation systems.
II. Research Aptitude► Research: Meaning, characteristics and types;
► Steps of research;
► Methods of research;
► Research Ethics;
► Paper, article, workshop, seminar, conference and symposium;
► Thesis writing: its characteristics and format.
III. Reading Comprehension ► A passage to be set with questions to be answered.
IV. Communication
► Communication : Nature, characteristics, types, barriers and effective classroom communication.
V. Reasoning (Including Mathematical)► Number series; letter series; codes;
► Relationships; classification.
VI. Logical Reasoning► Understanding the structure of arguments;
► Evaluating and distinguishing deductive and inductive reasoning;
► Verbal analogies : Word analogy Applied analogy;
► Verbal classification
► Reasoning Logical Diagrams : Simple diagrammatic relationship, multi- diagrammatic relationship;
► Vein diagram; Analytical Reasoning.
VII. Data Interpretation► Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data;
► Quantitative and qualitative data;
► Graphical representation and mapping of data.
VIII. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)► ICT : meaning, advantages, disadvantages and uses;
► General abbreviations and terminology;
► Basics of internet and e-mailing.
IX. People and Environment► People and environment interaction;
► Sources of pollution;
► Pollutants and their impact on human life, exploitation of natural and energy resources;
► Natural hazards and mitigation
X. Higher Education System : Governance, Police And Administration► Structure of the institutions for higher learning and research in India; formal and distance education; professional/technical and general education; value education: governance, polity and administration; concept, institution as and their interactions.
Note : Please Download the Syllabus of your chosen subjects by clicking on the subjects given below in front of their respective Subject Codes.
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