Punjab Police Intelligence Assistant Syllabus 2016 Punjab Police Intelligence Assistant Exam Syllabus 2016 Punjab Police Constable IA Exam Pattern Scheme of Written Test Physical Test PMT PET
Syllabus of Punjab Police Intelligence Assistant
Punjab Police Recruitment Board is going to recruit 725 Intelligence Assistant (Constable Rank) to strengthen its power. Many of the candidates applied against these posts and are searching for selection process. Here, they can get full Punjab Police Intelligence Assistant Syllabus for this recruitment.
S E L E C T I O N P R O C E S S :
- Phase-I Physical Measurements Test (PMT)
- Phase-II Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Phase-III Written test
- Scrutiny of Documents
- Final Merit List
Physical Measurements
Only those candidates whose application forms are found to be in-order during scrutiny, and who satisfy the eligibility conditions and have cleared the Substances Abuse (Drug Addiction) Test would be eligible to appear in this phase.
The physical measurement phase will be qualifying in nature, and each candidate would be categorized as qualified/not qualified for Phase-II on the basis of meeting the prescribed physical minimum standard mentioned below.
Height :
Male – 5’5″ (5 feet 5 inches)
Female – 5’1″ (5 feet 1 inch)
Physical Efficiency Test
The minimum qualifying standards for various categories of candidates would be as follows :
| Race (only 1 chance) | Long Jump (3 chances) | High Jump (3 chances) |
(except ESM above 35 years) | 800 meters in 04 minutes | 9 feet | 3 feet |
(except ESM above 35 years) | 400 meters in 02 minutes | 6 feet | 2½ feet |
(35 years and above) | 800 meters in 06 minutes | NA | NA |
(35 years and above) | 800 meters in 08 minutes | NA | NA |
Written Test
Exam Pattern :- Scheme of Punjab Police Intelligence Assistant exam is :
- The written test will be of multiple choice objective type.
- A composite question paper will carry 100 questions.
- Question paper will be set in English medium.
- There shall be no negative marking.
Subject | Marks |
General Knowledge | 50 |
Mental Aptitude | 30 |
Computer | 20 |
TOTAL | 100 |
Minimum pass marks in written exam will be 40% for the candidates from Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes category and Backward Class category and 50% for all remaining categories.
Exam Syllabus :- Punjab Police Intelligence syllabus is :
General Knowledge : Questions will be from general knowledge including world history, geography, economy, science, environmental science, current affairs, polity of India, constitution of India, knowledge of laws, international affairs etc.
Mental Aptitude : Questions shall test quantitative aptitude, logical reasoning, numerical aptitude and reading comprehension.
Computer : Basic knowledge of computer and information technology, computer hardware, MS-Office, common operating systems and internet concepts.
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